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Microfibre Facts

Unlike other products, Instant Hair is not a cream or a paint that attempts to cover your scalp. It is not sticky, shiny, scented or glossy. It can be applied instantly by simply shaking the bottle over the thinning hair.

Instant Hair is so advanced you will not believe the effect taking place before your very eyes!

Instant Hair is made from advanced microfibres (made from keratin, the same protein that hair's made from), uniquely formulated and precision cut by laser to microscopic proportions. The fibres are then charged electro-statically and dyed.

When applied to your existing hair, thousands of fibres form a ‘criss cross’ pattern that ensures density and thickness.

By binding to each individual hair a complete layer of hair is formed above your scalp. The result is an amazingly realistic match with your own hair and an elimination of the appearance of baldness and thinning hair.

Even your thinnest, weakest hair will become thick. Instant Hair will not come off, even in the most adverse weather conditions. You will not feel anything using Instant Hair and it cannot damage your hair.





The ‘criss-cross’ effect of Instant Hair on individual hairs. This ensures density and thickness but is completely undetectable to the naked eye, even up close.